Double Rifle Pricing
$2000 is required to secure the placement of an order. This will cover materials and etc., required to start and finish the double rifle. The balance is required prior to, or at the time of, delivery for the finished rifle.
Basic Information:
No cartridges over 40K PSI – period!
No single trigger guns – too many issues with doubling.
Donor actions are subject to my approval for the desired project.
Basic Gun ($4500*):
Use original barrels for monoblock
Use original full length rib
Use the original stock
Plain extractor gun
Single standing leaf rear sight (Dakota)
Fixed front sight
Use E.R. Shaw barrels (up to .458 caliber)
Standard Pachmayr recoil pad (Old English is normally used – other at customer request)
Add On’s:
Machine a monoblock from bar stock and fit: $2500
Machine and fit new forend hook: $250
¼-Rib: $400
Full length rib – plain flat or hollow (¼-rib, mid rib, & front sight all integral) – $250
Textured flat rib – additional $50
Extractors for an ejector gun (pair): $400 (could be slightly less – $200? – if original extractors can be modified – TBD)
German silver line on the rear sight: $30
Install steel grip cap: $50 plus cost of grip cap (may incur additional labor charge if stock alteration is required)
Upgrade Rear Sight: cost of chosen sight (may incur additional labor charge)
Upgrade Front sight: cost of chosen sight (may incur additional labor charge)
Special order barrels (most anything other than Shaw barrels): actual cost of the barrels
Calibers over .458 require special order barrels: actual cost of the barrels
Reamer Rental for calibers other than 45-70, 450-3 ¼, 450 #2, or .470: $45
Ammunition for regulation: cost of factory ammunition – depends on brand of ammunition desired. TBD with customer.
Recoil reducer: $100 plus cost of reducer
* Price does not include the “donor” gun or ammunition for regulation.